There’s a new version of Netflix and chill — and it involves Harry Potter

The phrase “Netflix and chill” has been worn out to the point of being too lame for even your dating profile. So on Monday night, when people watching a British reality dating show caught wind of the newest version of Netflix and chill, they collectively lost their minds. Because it is good.
Netflix and chill is a euphemism for sex that first appeared on the interwebs around 2014, according to Know Your Meme. It’s had a good run, so much so that even your parents have probably jokingly said it (whether they knew what it meant or not).
Then, on Monday night’s premiere of Love Island — which is sort of like Bachelor in Paradise but with a cash prize — a new Netflix and chill came on the scene. It all went down when a cast member named Niall asked another contestant, “You don’t like to Philosopher’s Stone and chill?”
Seriously, if a romantic partner asked you to come over to Philosopher’s Stone and chill, how quickly would you run over to their house?
We don’t blame you.
Niall had already won Harry Potter fans over as a self-professed fan himself (he has a tattoo of Hermione’s wand on his arm), but this was something else. Potterheads on Twitter were obviously thrilled.
‘You don’t wanna philosopher stone and chill!?’ 😂😂😂dead. Give him the Money already 💰. #LoveIsland
— Dáwna (@DawnaOfficial) June 4, 2018
Philosopher’s Stone and Chill 😂 #loveisland
— Missguided (@Missguided) June 4, 2018
Waiting for the ‘Philosopher’s Stone and Chill’ tees in Primark soon #loveisland
— Maria Nichol 🎃 (Lilcolourfreak) (@lilcolourfreak) June 4, 2018
‘Do you want to Philosopher’s Stone and chill?’ is a line that would 100% work on me. @NiallAslam #loveisland
— Rishma Dosani (@Rishma_Dosani) June 4, 2018
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Expect to see “Philosopher’s Stone and chill” on every graphic T-shirt, tote bag, and Tinder profile from now until eternity (or until the stone is destroyed). And unlike Netflix and chill, there’s no ambiguity about what you’re getting yourself into. Someone who wants to Philosopher’s Stone and chill is going to give you exactly what you want — which is way better than learning too late that the person you’ve been crushing on (or even your BFF) has completely different tastes in what to stream on a Friday night.
Don’t be afraid to give Philosopher’s Stone and chill a whirl. It sounds straight-up magical.