The New Moon in Cancer Will Occur. Here’s What This Means For Your Zodiac Sign
Expect to rebuild your life from the ground up.
The new moon in Cancer occurs on July 9th, and it’s a wild time for you to move forward with your dreams. This new moon will also connect with Uranus, which will encourage you to be bold and embrace your individuality—also, to rebel against the status quo and to rebuild your life as you wish.
Below is your new moon in Cancer horoscope. Make sure to read your rising sign, too.
Foundations within your family and home are shifting, allowing relationships to grow and evolve. This is a time of deepening structures and ideology. The past can create a great future if you are willing to create the structures that need to be rebuilt and restored by you at the moment.
Instead of coming from an emotional place when you have to communicate with others, try to implement practicality and realness in your communication. This will allow you to have conversations based only on the facts of the matters, without any feelings that aren’t related to the situation attached to it.
Money matters are coming to a head at the moment, forcing you to contemplate innovative ways to create an effective savings plan. The more cash you put away for a rainy day, the more you will be able to spend when you need it or for fun whenever you need it.
Your emotions are high at the moment, which will make you take a step back and evaluate your sentiments from a new and different perspective. Having an open mind when it comes to understanding your own emotions will allow you to get to the reason why you are feeling them.
Use this luminary as a time to heal. This will require you to take a step back and focus on your needs. Implant self-care to heal yourself. Once you mend your heart or take active steps to do so, you can allow yourself a moment of peace and positive emotions.
The relationship you have with your friends is about to change. For better or worse, you’re going to have to decide who is worth the time and energy in your squad. Those who are not, don’t deserve your attention and affection, as they do not fully reciprocate your sentiments.
A new position at work is opening up, which you are in line for. If you want the position, then you have to speak up and let your superiors know that it’s in your peripheral vision. That’ll ensure that you are in the running for the job, promotion, and raise.
Try stepping out of the norm during this luminary. Embrace a project or philosophy that speaks to you on a soulful level. The moment you let go of the beliefs of the status quo due to your newly found beliefs, you will feel a sense of peace take over your thoughts.
It’s time to pay off your debts, both karmic and monetary. Making sure that you were good on money and emotions owed will allow you to evolve your finances. Also, you’ll feel a weight lifted off your shoulders as the financial strain will get much lighter due to this lumination.
Relationships take a lot of work, and at this moment in time, you’re willing to put the effort into them to ensure that they thrive. Contrarily, you may meet someone new with whom you have an instant connection with. Get to know them before committing to letting the relationship grow.
You’ve gotten cut up in your work recently, which is why this new moon in Cancer is the time for you to take a step back and connect with yourself on a deeper level. Reviving your daily routine without the pressure of work will help you find several moments of peace and relaxation.
It’s time for you to take a leap of faith and make bold moves in your romantic life. Be big and extra with your affections. Make your intentions known to a crush without hesitation and take strides in uniting with the person you love for an intimate get-together.