The New Moon in Aquarius Is Happening Tomorrow—Here’s What This Means
It's time for you to achieve greatness.

The radical new moon in Aquarius, which occurs on February 11th, is pushing you to pursue your passions and dreams. You will be inspired to join forces with others who want to change the world. Trust yourself to make moves to achieve greatness. With the right mindset, intention, and motivation, you can do it!
Below is your new moon in Aquarius horoscope. Make sure to read about your rising sign, too.
Superficial friendships aren’t working for you right now. In fact, you may want to take a step back from all relationships that don’t make you feel good about yourself. Embracing your BFFs who are the real deal is important. You need to feel the love.
A professional opportunity is presenting itself to you. The issue is that you’re not ready to take the leap right now. Make sure you’re okay with declining the offer or taking on the extra work. Be sure you’re making the best choice for yourself before making new career moves.
You may feel a little stuck in life at the moment. The reason being is that every step you take to move forward is followed by a big move backwards. Don’t allow yourself to get anxious over your lack of flow. You’ll start running soon. Move at your own pace.
Intimacy takes time and requires time—but it’s worth the energy getting to know someone who you care about. This new moon in Aquarius will help you tear down the walls that stand between you and your S.O. In the end, it will bring you closer together and help you both stand as a unit.
Relationships take work. You have to be willing to put in the effort to make sure that you can sustain it for the long haul. Think of your relationship as a garden. Tend to your lover. Add water, some spunk, and TLC in order to let the partnership bloom.
This is a day of revisiting and revising your goals. Keep a journal to ensure you’re on track with your dreams. Noting what you want to change will be helpful. However, you may not be able to achieve everything on your list. Also, creating a vision board will help.
It’s not like you to argue your points, especially when you are desperately seeking approval from others. Take a step back and try to work things out with those people you share opposing views with. Then, you can maintain the peace without disrupting the equilibrium and avoiding major confrontations.
You have the itch to redecorate your home and make changes to your dwelling. Mercury is still retrograde, which means it’s not the best time to tear down walls or buy a new couch, as you may change your mind on your decisions. Start simple by buying a rug or comforter.
Recently, you’ve let your emails and text pile up in your personal inboxes. Connecting with your friends and family may feel super draining, but you should check in with them and respond to their messages. You may even have a great conversation out of the blue with an old pal.
It’s time for you to get your finances in order. This means doing your taxes early, making a budget, and assessing your 401K. You may find that you have extra money left over. Before spending it on a whimsical treat for yourself, start saving your pennies for a rainy day.
Although you’re hoping that this is a time of new beginnings, you may find that you are being taken back to deal with the past. This means owning the way you’ve treated others (which may not have been kind) and mending fences. Also, make sure you forgive yourself for your behavior.
You are feeling sensitive and wanting to hide your emotions away from others. The caveat is that everyone wants you to open up to them—but you don’t have to. Take care of yourself during this new moon in Aquarius. Allow yourself time in your personal cocoon to heal your body, mind, and soul.