A Second Cancer New Moon Is Coming—Here’s What This Means for Your Zodiac Sign
A new work opportunity is coming your way, Libra.
The second Cancer new moon of the summer will occur on July 20th (the first one was a solar eclipse on June 20th PST and June 21st EST). This luminary will be in exact opposition to austere Saturn, which is in retrograde in Capricorn. You may feel as though you’re being emotionally torn in two different directions and have no choice in the matter. The good news is that if you take control of your personal situation and adult yourself, you can take charge of your destiny.
Also, it’s important to understand your feelings now. Know that you’re not alone in the world. You’re loved, seen, and understood. You’re the most amazing person in the world—because you are YOU!
See below for your new moon horoscope. Make sure to read your rising sign, too.
You may feel as though you’re being pushed to evolve in ways you never thought possible. Before you take the leap towards change, consider only letting go of outdated views and keeping your fundamental personal values in check. This will help you to transform in all the right ways.
Taking the high road can be hard, especially when you have to have the last word in all matters. Instead of arguing about who’s right or wrong, take a step back and squash the drama. Resolving matters with those you care about is more important than making a point.
Money isn’t everything—but it sure is important. Start a new financial plan under this luminary to ensure maximum security for your future. You may even want to discuss your IRA or an investment plan with a financial advisor now. Welcome to adult life, Gemini! We know it’s hard.
We all know you like to stay in your comfort zone, but, to be honest, you’re finding that the same old daily tasks are becoming boring. It’s time for you to open yourself up to having new experiences. Live a little bit more on the fringe, and have fun!
We all need a little time to rest now and then. This luminary will send you back into your seasonal hibernation for a few days. Just be mindful that you may be awoken soon to celebrate your season. Use this time to chill before your birthday party.
Your friendship circle is evolving, which means that you’re meeting people who will play a pivotal role in your life. It’s important for you to always add acquaintances you meet in your travels and on Zoom chats—because they may become your besties later on.
A new work opportunity is coming your way. Get all of the information you need about this professional endeavor before making a decision. You may find that it’s not the right fit for you at this time. When one door closes, another one opens for you—especially now.
Who and what do you love, Scorpio? Use this new moon to embrace people and philosophies that align with your emotional beliefs. You will feel as though your passions are reawakened, causing you to enjoy life on a deeper level. You will even want to share your joy with others.
Expect big paybacks on a job well done if you’ve been good during these past few weeks. If you’ve been naughty, you’ll have the chance to change your ways after dealing with the karmic repercussions of your former actions. Fate will be on your side if you’re willing to evolve.
Working on and mending bridges with those you care deeply about will consume your heart during this luminary. With the right amount of effort, you will be able to make amends with people you’ve recently butted heads with. Before you know it, you’ll be back in each other’s good graces.
You are feeling as though there’s more to life than the mundane activities which have recently consumed your days. Try stepping up your game and sprucing up your life by implementing new activities or goals into your routines. Your energy will boost and your spirit will soar as a result.
A budding new romance is headed your way. If you are already in a relationship, you can expect to be sentimentally swept away by your boo during this tender luminary. Open your heart to love in order to feel the enchanting energy this new moon will bring to you.