We’re not sure how we feel about this new M&M flavor

Okay, obviously we love chocolate A LOT, to the point that if we could enter a magical chocolate factory, this is all we’d do all day.

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And when it comes to new M&M flavors, we’re almost always on board. Oh want to make M&M’s more delicious by adding peanut butter or pretzels? Be our guest!

It’s the brand’s 75th anniversary this year, and to celebrate, M&M’s asked their most devoted fans to choose the new peanut-flavored M&M’s.

(Yes, a big responsibility!) Not gonna lie though, the result is making us feel a little uncertain. Ready for it?!

Coffee-nut emerged as the fan favorite, beating out Honey Nut and Chilli Nut.

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It’s undeniably a more adult flavor than the typical M&M’s we know and love so dearly, but hey, they could be delicious and win our hearts! Let’s keep an open mind.

We’ll soon be able to taste these newbies, because come August, Coffee-nut M&M’s will sit next to Original Peanut on the shelf. It’ll be nearly impossible to beat the original, but there’s no harm in trying!

No pressure. But seriously, the pressure is ON.

According to Tanya Berman, the director of M&M’s brand, the team is excited to have the involvement of the fans in deciding this new flavor. “We are so thrilled that our fans helped to shape our brand’s vibrant future. Flavor Vote was the perfect campaign to show how much we value our fans’ opinion.” Awwww.It’s always nice to be appreciated.

One mega-lucky fan from North Carolina also won big because of casting her M&M vote. As in, she won $100,000 (!) and the official title of M&M’s Taste Tester. Lucky lady, indeed. Now if you’ll excuse us, we’re going to Google how to get that job after she leaves.

And the way we look at it, whatever you put in them, the M&M’s still contain plenty of chocolate. And that’s what we love and need, all day, every day.

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