Twitter is totally #TeamNick when it comes to Schmidt’s, um, interesting mustache

Last night, New Girl returned for its final season premiere and it was a  *pretty* big deal. When we caught up with the group three years after the Season 6 finale, everyone seemed to be doing really well. Winston and Aly are now married and expecting their first child and Cece and Schmidt have an adorable three-year-old — with a legendarily cool name, Ruth Bader.

Meanwhile, remaining loft residents Nick and Jess have been all over the world on a Pepperwood Chronicles tour, and while they’re *not* engaged just yet, Nick’s actively working on it. But while Jess and Nick have been gallivanting the globe, something truly terrible happens back home in L.A.

Upon arriving home, they discover Schmidt grew a mustache.

And naturally, Nick is nowhere near cool with Schmidt’s new facial hair. After wrestling with the turmoil of watching Schmidt admire and groom his “porn star relief pitcher” ‘stache for a few whole minutes at Ruth’s third birthday party, Nick reveals just how much he hates the mustache — and it becomes a point of contention between the two.

Sure, the gang has supposedly matured in the three years between seasons six and seven, but there’s nothing more classic New Girl than Schmidt dramatically proclaiming, “If you hate my mustache, sir, then you hate me.”

Schmidt may be relishing in his new Dad ‘stache, but unfortunately he seems to be the only one who likes it.

Last night during the premiere, New Girl fans took to Twitter to share their thoughts on the mustache. While many felt that the decision to grow a ‘stache was classic Schmidt, almost everyone was on #TeamNick and hoped it wouldn’t survive the episode.



Luckily for Nick, Schmidt’s family and friends, everyone watching New Girl, and Schmidt himself, the mustache did not survive the season premiere. In a truly hilarious scene, Nick admits his underlying feelings around the mustache — he misses Schmidt’s upper lip — and Schmidt finally decides to get rid of the ‘stache, allowing Nick to do the honors.

How are there only seven episodes of this series left forever? The final season started off so strong that we’re devastated all over again, knowing that it’s coming to an end. We still have seven (‘stache-less) episodes left before we actually have to say goodbye.