“New Girl” might do a *huge* time jump for Season 7

We still don’t know if New Girl will be renewed or cancelled for season 7, so slow your roll, readers. We’re crossing our fingers and toes and whatever other body parts we can in order to stir up whatever mojo we can manage so that the TV gods come down in our favor. But we just don’t know — and our hopes are up and we’re very scared of getting hurt, so we want to make sure you, too, aren’t getting ahead of yourselves.
That said, in an interview with New Girl executive producers Brett Baer and Dave Finkel about the reveal of Schmidt’s name, they did say that they have plans should season seven happen.
When asked about the ultimate fate of Nick and Jess, given the up in the air nature of a next season, Finkel and Baer were clear that they want to give fans resolution for something they’ve been building since the first season, but they’re not worried about boxing themselves into a resolution if they do get renewed. Baer said:
"We’ve also got a couple of ideas on the table that [would give] us some creative opportunities to move things in a different direction [in a potential Season 7]. I don’t want to get too specific. But we don’t feel too hemmed in by anything."
Obvi the interviewer, liked us, wanted to know what those ideas were, and (perhaps jokingly) suggested a TEN YEAR TIME JUMP. And both producers said:
"There has been talk..."
So, yeah. We don’t know if Season 7 is coming, but if it does, we’re incredibly excited at the prospect of dropping into the lives of our faves ten years down the line, and seeing what they’ve been up to.