Jess unintentionally confesses she still loves Nick on “New Girl,” and they need to get back together like, yesterday

The greatest love story on TV right now is the one between Jessica Day and Nicholas Miller — don’t argue with us about it. The two have had their ups and downs, along with their breakups and reconciliation. Right now, they seem to be in a pretty good place (hey, they are living together, you know), but it’s become clear over the last few episodes that Jess is still holding out for something more.

A few episodes ago, Jess and Nick had a little heart-to-heart about their currently romantic relationships. Jess didn’t know what to do with Robbie, and Nick was nervous about being with Reagan. This conversation leads them to reflect on their history together, agreeing that they’re not really sure *what* exactly went wrong with them.

Now fastfoward to this week’s episode. Jess has broken up with Robbie (it’s a long story — okay, it’s not a long story, they’re COUSINS), and Nick is still going strong with Reagan. They’re so strong, Reagan has actually gotten a local bookstore to agree to let Nick do a reading from his novel, The Pepperwood Chronicles. Everything is going a-okay…but actually, just before the reading Nick and Jess got high, totally by accident, and now they’re both kinda freaking out.

Nick starts trying to do his book reading, but instead retreats into a little kid playhouse. That’s when Reagan goes to Jess, looking for help. Jess — still a lil’ bit high — speaks from her heart, and drops a bombshell we’ve known all along:




You hear that? JESS WILL ALWAYS LOVE NICK. Their relationship, and FEELINGS, have been coming up more and more during this season of New Girl, and you know what what means?

Actually we don’t know what it means, but we know what we want it to mean: Jess + Nick = ❤️.