When Jess met Jake: Here’s what happened during the “New Girl” and “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” crossover

What happens when two of our favorite shows join forces for a whole HOUR of comedy? Lots and lots of LOL-worthy moments, that’s what. For one-night only, the worlds of New Girl and Brooklyn Nine-Nine joined forces, for what is undoubtedly the television event of the season. Because, WHAT could possibly go wrong when Jess Day meets Jake Peralta?

Answer: Everything.


The crossover begins during Brooklyn Nine-Nine, when Jake is chasing a bad guy, and rudely steals Schmidt’s mom’s car while Jess is driving (we later learn the whole loft crew is in New York City to see Schmidt get a ~big award~ at his high school). Jake then, very gracefully, crashes Schmidt’s mom’s car, spilling soup absolutely everywhere. Because, obviously Jess has soup with her at the time.  This sends Jess off to the Nine-Nine precinct to file a report.


This is also the LAST STRAW for Jess when it comes to NYC. Last time she was here, she had an awful time and is determined to make this trip better. The incident with Schmidt’s mom’s car doesn’t help at all, but eventually she does get to the root of why she has beef with NYC:

After a heart to heart with Captain Holt (!!), Jess realizes that the last time she was in town, she cut her trip short to go back home to LA and surprise her then boyfriend, Spencer. THAT Spencer. The Spencer Jess breaks up with during the first episode of New Girl.


NYC hasn’t been pushing Jess in the wrong direction, it’s been pushing her in the right direction — and the direction this time is to help Schmidt out with his high school award speech. Aww.

So in the end, Jake catches his criminal and Jess is there for Schmidt. Oh, and then everyone runs into Coach who just happens to be hanging around NYC and it's not awkward or anything.

JK. He confesses he's been to LA a bunch of times and never stopped by the loft, so it's all good.