These new “Game of Thrones” images have us VERY worried about the Battle of the Bastards

Game of Thrones has come to this. We’re nearing the end of Season 6, and the intensity level has been turned up to 11.
In one corner, we have Jon “Knows Nothing” Snow, former Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, former dead human being.
In the other corner we have Ramsay “Mad Dog” Bolton, current Lord of Winterfell, former awful husband to Sansa Stark.
Both are going to enter the battle area, but only one of them will come out of the Battle of the Bastards victorious. HBO has gone ahead and released a few promo images for the upcoming Game of Thrones episode, also titled “Battle of the Bastards” and we are VERY, VERY WORRIED ABOUT THIS.
Remember the insane battle in Season 5, when it was Jon vs. the Night’s King? Yeah, take that, and multiply that by a billion. That’s what we’re going to get from Battle of the Bastards.
None of the image are necessarily very telling, since a lot of of them just showcase the insane fight that’s about to happen. It’s also a lot of people looking worried.
Jon looks worried.
Davos looks worried.
Tormund looks worried
Ramsay looks as he always does, psychotic.
Everything about this episode is going to be NUTS. So far, the only teaser released for it is, “Terms of surrender are rejected and accepted.”
Whatever happens during the battle, we all know who’s going to be the real winner: Jon Snow’s glorious man bun.
Jon Snow’s man bun should be the true ruler of the north, let’s be real. It’s so glorious, it should be one of the heads of the dragon. It should be the one to sit on the Iron Throne.