And here are a few more seconds of new ‘Star Wars’ footage to hold us over
Friends, in a short 30 days – that’s only one month! — we will finally be able to put our eyes on the brand new Star Wars: The Force Awakens. For the past year we’ve been teased with all sorts of images and hints as to what we’re going to see when The Force Awakens finally makes it to the big screen, and with only 30 days left to go, it’s time for one last little awesome push. So how about a few more brand new seconds of footage to tide us over, eh?
Even though there are two full-length trailers and a handful of short :30 and :15 second spots already out there, much of the plot of The Force Awakens is still completely unknown. Pause to realize how amazing that is in today’s day and age considering that spoilers for practically everything are considered fair game. Director J.J. Abrams has done an amazing job keeping everything under wraps, only releasing a few more tiny snippets here and there with each new trailer.
And as crazy as this sounds, each new trailer shows a completely different side of Force Awakens. This latest one, released last week, focuses on the relationship between Rey (Daisy Ridley) and Finn (John Boyega) as they meet for the first time, appear to immediately become allies, and then somehow end up hanging out with Han Solo (Harrison Ford). I’m not complaining but where are they? Who are they fighting? What’s going on??
Oh, is that not enough for you? Good, because there’s actually another brand-new TV spot.
It’s a Disney Channel behind-the-scenes video, which offers us our first actual glimpse of Domhnall Gleeson’s General Hux! It’s also our first look at Starkiller Base, which is where we’re going to find Hux in the movie. But who’s he firing at? The theme of all this Star Wars stuff seems to be: “it’s anyone’s guess” and that definitely rings true once again here.
Hopefully these little snippets are enough to hold you over for now. And you have our permission to go ahead and set the countdown clock to 30 days.
Related reading:
We finally know who Lupita Nyong’o is playing in ‘The Force Awakens’
Princess Leia has a badass new title in ‘The Force Awakens’
Image via LucasFilm