And the new emoji candidates are. . .
Emojis have had a pretty big year. First, there was the long-overdue update that brought racially diverse emojis to the table. Then, just this month, Snapchat updated to allow emoji “stickers,” aka unlimited emojis all over your snaps. And now, according to Emojipedia, which is a database of every single emoji, there are 38 new emojis that are being considered for inclusion in the next update, Unicode 9, in 2016. And yes, there’s bacon.
When you hear some of the options that are on the waiting list for approval, you won’t believe that we don’t have them already. Like face-palm. How do we not have face-palm? Then, there’s the male dancing emoji as a companion to everyone’s favorite salsa dancer. There’s also a whole bunch of new faces, like the selfie and the nauseated face…which will go great with the new pregnant emoji!
They’ve thrown a few new hand gestures into the mix, including crossed fingers and handshake. I think the new food emojis are what I’m really excited about. An avocado and bacon? It’s like the entire contents of my refrigerator in one text!
There are also some additions that don’t even have mock-ups yet, but they range from spoon to salad to lizard to, simply, leg. You can check out the full list (with mockups) of possible emojis over here.
Now these are just emoji candidates—the final list won’t come out until next year. This doesn’t mean we’ll definitely be seeing them on our phones, nor will it be anytime soon. The Unicode Consortium is calling for a mid-2016 release for any and all approved additions. But now that the options are out, we can start vocalizing our support. With any luck, this time next year we’ll be bacon-emoji-ing to our hearts’ content.
*Fingers crossed* emoji!
(Images via iStock)