“Vagina” is an awesome word and there’s a new campaign to get people to say it more often

Are you ready to Legalize the V word?! Now, you’re probably wondering what we are talking about, right? Well, the v-word in question is “vagina” and there is currently a new campaign to get more people to say it.

In 2012, former Michigan Democratic state representative Lisa Brown was barred from speaking on the House floor after her protest speech on proposed abortion bills included the word vagina. Seriously that happened! We did not even think it was possible to get barred over saying the correct term for the reproductive organ you’re debating, but apparently that is actually a thing that can happen.

So, for this and a billion other reasons, in order to get more people comfortable saying the word “vagina,” a group of women formed a group called Legalize V. We think this is way cool!


"When did the anatomical term for a woman's reproductive organ become vulgar and taboo?" Sheryl Kinsberg, an ob/gyn professor, asks in the video.

The goal of the campaign is to not only get people more comfortable using the word, but also to get the attention of Sheryl Sandberg. If you sign their petition, they believe that it will give them a stronger backing for when they request a meeting to talk to her about the guidelines surrounding women’s health on Facebook.

We will be asking her for a meeting, where we will showcase your support, so we can together create change. From there, we hope to target other corporations such as Google; national broadcast networks and even our public education system. It’s just the beginning. With your help, we hope the “Legalize Vagina movement creates the change we so deserve.

We think it is time to legalize the word vagina, ladies!