Britney is making a new album and there are details!

It’s been a year for musical comebacks from the greats. First JoJo, then Adele. . . and now, Britney Spears. Life is so, so good, guys.

Britney has been busy indeed, concentrating on her Britney: Piece of Me show, which was recently renewed for two more years. However, she’s been teasing new music for the past several weeks. “We’re having fun right now,” she told E! Online in August. “I’m working with some women who are amazing writers. I have ballads and, of course, dance music—fun cheeky sexy stuff.”

But we wanted to know details. Is she working on another compilation with another major star? Will we be seeing another song like “Pretty Girls,” or is it something bigger?

Well, recently, she confirmed that she is, indeed, working on a new album. Last night, the pop star we all know and love oh so much tweeted a pic of herself and a couple of friends. Sounds pretty normal, right? Except for when you check out the CAPTION, GUYS.

Wheeee, indeed. 

She also put this Easter egg of an Intagram into the ether a few weeks back: 

And on October 30th, she tweeted about recording vocals, saying the song she’s working on “makes her smile.” “I hope it will make you smile too,” she tweeted.

She hashtagged the tweet with #B9 — a hint to the album name, perhaps? After all, the album *would* be her ninth. Britney’s latest album, Britney Jean, came out in 2013, but it performed considerably worse than her other albums, though it did get to No. 4 on the Billboard 200 during its debut year.

Either way, we are *so* for more Britney in our lives.

Related reading: 

Ariana Grande’s impressions of Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera are SPOT-ON

We just can’t stop listening to Britney Spears’ cover of “Tom’s Diner”

(Images via Instagram, Twitter.)

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