This new avocado restaurant ran out of avocados in under 3 hours
If you didn’t believe in the overwhelming popularity of avocados before, you’ll never doubt it again after hearing this story. An avocado restaurant (not so cleverly) named Avocaderia ran out of avocados on their opening day.
The crazy part is, it only took three hours for their avocado supply to completely disappear. Three hours, y’all.
When did human beings get ~this~ obsessed with avocados?!
Avocaderia is an self-proclaimed avocado bar in Brooklyn, NY (where else, though) that features an all-avocado menu. Every dish they serve contains organic, fair-trade avocados from Mexico, and you can order anything from Mediterranean toast to a “Quinoa & Friends” salad. Here’s what the menu looks like.
Two days ago at 11 a.m. was their debut opening, and by 2 p.m. every one of the 200 avocados in the kitchen had been used up. Gone. Vanished. Finito. It’s estimated that about 200 people came to eat and the extra crates of avocados in the back weren’t ripe enough for them to use.
But co-founder Alessandro Biggi shared their secret to ripening the avocados faster: bananas. There’s a gas called ethylene that makes fruits ripen faster, and bananas produce a boatload of ethylene, more than most other fruits.
"You put [the avocados] right next to the bananas, but they still need some time," Biggi said.
Everyone is talking about Avocaderia, so hopefully Biggi and his team get enough ripe avocados in their kitchen, because all those smoothies, salads, specials, and toasts are in high demand. Can’t say we’re surprised, because their food looks amazing.