This photo series powerfully fights back against Donald Trump’s hateful remarks

Throughout Donald Trump’s campaign, the Republican presidential candidate has continuously revealed his misogynistic and racist ideology. With the release of the #TrumpTapes (in which he is caught bragging about getting away with sexual assault because he is a celebrity), as well as the news of several women coming forward to accuse Trump of the behavior described in the leaked audio, his bigotry (and the dangerous impact it has on our society) is even more on display.


A profound photo series, #NeverTrump, is combatting Trump's history of horrific statements by juxtaposing the faces of communities he has attacked with direct Trump quotes.

Balthier Corfi is the brilliant photographer behind the series, and he is also a Mexican immigrant. As reported by the Huffington Post, Corfi could no longer stand by while an actual presidential candidate spouted such hateful rhetoric, so he channeled his disgust into art.

Corfi turned to friends who also belong to the marginalized communities Trump has attacked, asking them to write responses to Trump's hate speech on their bodies.

Corfi told HuffPo:

"I tried to portray people from some of the groups that have been attacked by Trump’s speech: immigrants, latinxs, women -- the list goes on."

"Because it’s an ongoing project, I still want to photograph people from groups that were not portrayed in the first set of images: veterans, Muslims -- and try to include every group that has been bullied by his words. There are so many.

#NeverTrump explains the discrimination inherent to Trump’s campaign in such a profound yet simple way, effectively proving the dangers (and total inaccuracy) of his beliefs. Along with Corfi, we hope that this series will remind people how important it is to vote in this election.

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