The Netflix price increase has arrived, here’s what you need to know to keep binging

We knew this day would come, and unfortunately, it’s finally here.

Back in January, Netflix announced that this year subscribers would see a price increase.  Price increases are a common thing, and Netflix has raised their prices before, from $7.99 a month, to $8.99 a month, to the current price for new subscribers, $9.99 a month. The thing about this was, though, that whenever you FIRST signed up for the service, that was the price you paid per month ~forever~. Many, myself included, have been paying only $7.99 a month for the past few years.

Until yesterday.

All across Netflix, the price increase is starting to take effect. Next time you log onto the streaming service, you might get a box that pops up, informing you that the price increase is happening. You have to accept the new price to keep binging Kimmy Schmidt.


In all fairness, there is a way to keep paying only $7.99 a month for Netflix, but you have to downgrade your subscription plan to only one screen at a time, and will be able to stream things in only standard definition (and tbh, who wants that, ALL DIGITAL ALL THE TIME!).


There is no universal date as to when this price increase takes effects, as it all depends on the date you first signed up for the service, and when your billing cycle ends. According to the information actually in your Netflix account activity, you’re going to be notified ONE MONTH before the prince increase goes into effect.


After you’ve accepted the new price, your Netflix account REALLY wants you to be aware of the price increase date, so you don’t look at next month’s credit card bill and go WHAT THE WHAT?


For many, this price is going up $2, and that’s an extra $24 a year, on top of what you’re already paying. As you can imagine, those in Netflix long-term relationships aren’t too thrilled (and FYI, this increase is happening around the world, too): false false false false false false false

But still, look on the bright side of this. SO MANY Disney movies will be coming to Netflix soon. The second season of Bloodline lands on the site in two days. AND HAVE WE FORGOTTEN THEY’RE BRINING BACK GILMORE GIRLS? Honestly, name your price, Netflix. We’ll keep paying it.

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