Netflix just unveiled this new logo and almost no one noticed

Binge-watching television has basically become a national pastime thanks to Netflix. In fact, we pretty much consider Netflix the perfect BFF on a Friday night (along with some pizza and a bottle of wine, right?). So you can bet your bottom dollar we take note when our dear friend makes any kind of change…particularly when their ~look~ is involved.

Check out Netflix’s new logo.

And, for your reference, here’s a side by side of the standard logo and new logo.


The new image looks like a sleek, red carpet (appropriate!) or perhaps a zig-zagged ribbon. Either way, the overall shape still matched the “N” in their standard logo, and we’re loving it!

Right now, the flashy-new logo appears on their social media sites, i.e. Twitter and Facebook

…but remains as the older/standard logo on their actual site.


However, it looks like the new logo will only appear on their “mobile apps” (for now). In a statement to The Next Web Netflix said, “We are introducing a new element into our branding with an N icon. The current Netflix logo will still remain, and the icon will start to be incorporated into our mobile apps along with other product integrations in the near future.”

It’s definitely a subtle change and interestingly, out of Netflix’s 24 million plus followers on Facebook, only 113 people even responded to the official update on their page.


Guess everyone was too busy catching up on Orange is the New Black to notice! Which is probably just the way Netflix prefers it.

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