This woman transformed her virgin hair from blonde to “safety cone orange”

While we are certainly living in a time full of vibrant hair color trends, there are still certain shades of neon hair we rarely see outside of wigs. So, when you get an eyeful of this woman’s neon orange hair and realize it’s real, you’ll likely feel a wave of shock as dramatic as the hair color itself.

If you’re a fan of orange or peach-themed beauty products and want to ramp up your game with an electric orange hair color, you’ll fall in love with the Pulp Riot Hair neon shades.

More specifically, you’ll admire the way the California-based hairstylist Jessica Jewel managed to create some true hair art on her client using two of Pulp Riot Hair’s shades — and we’re calling the woman’s new hair “safety cone orange.”

This color looks like a glam safety cone orange, don’t you think?

We mean this in the best way possible. Who hasn’t wanted to look like a safety cone at some point, and thought I want that same color on my nails, lips, and hair?! Jessica did such a good job using Pulp Riot Hair’s new neon dye, that she won a $5,000 prize in their #NeonElectric5000 contest!

As part of her process, Jessica Jewel mixed the Candy and Lava shades from the brand’s line.

Jessica told HelloGiggles about creating the bright orange hue, saying,

"I wanted to create a unique color that was hard to put into one category. In the hair world, we all are seeing a lot of out-of-this world styling, blacklights, ring lights, etc. and I wanted to create a look that gained attention through its simplicity and uniqueness."

There’s even a video showing some of the dying process and how Jessica got the stunning effect.

Apparently, the brave model had virgin hair before this. So she took a FULL leap from natural hair to psychedelic locks. Jessica told HelloGiggles,

"It took five hours and included chopping off eight inches of her virgin hair. Lightening it to a level of 10, with no toner."

The best part? Jessica’s client plans to donate her hair! The crazy thing is that Jessica didn’t use a toner or conditioner. To finish it off, Jessica rinsed her client’s hair with icy cold water! Props to everyone involved.


This serves as further proof that the possibilities of the beauty world are only getting more imaginative.

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