Organizers behind the Women’s March are planning a National School Walkout Day to protest gun violence

Following the latest mass shooting in Parkland, Florida, many people are sick of the stalling conversations around gun control. And the surviving students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School are making it clear that “thoughts and prayers” aren’t enough to protect them without government action. Whether they’re tweeting at President Donald Trump or delivering speeches at anti-gun rallies, they’re making their voices heard — and a national school walkout (or a few) is up next on their list of actions.

The organizers behind the Women’s March youth arm are planning a national school walkout for Wednesday, March 14th.

"Women’s March Youth EMPOWER is calling for students, teachers, school administrators, parents, and allies to take part in a #NationalSchoolWalkout for 17 minutes at 10 a.m. across every time zone on March 14, 2018, to protest Congress’ inaction to do more than tweet thoughts and prayers in response to the gun violence plaguing our schools and neighborhoods," a Facebook invite to the event reads. "We need action. Students and allies are organizing the national school walkout to demand Congress pass legislation to keep us safe from gun violence at our schools, on our streets, and in our homes and places of worship.

The National School Walkout event page on Facebook continues:

"We are not safe at school. We are not safe in our cities and towns. Congress must take meaningful action to keep us safe and pass federal gun reform legislation that address the public health crisis of gun violence. We want Congress to pay attention and take note: many of us will vote this November and many others will join in 2020. Join us in saying #ENOUGH!"

The Women’s March EMPOWER initiative isn’t the only group arranging a national school walkout, either.


Students are also planning a national school walkout to protest gun violence on Friday, April 20th, the 19th anniversary of the mass shooting at Columbine High School. Events and details for this and other protests are being coordinated via Twitter and other social media sites.

While only some of these students will be able to vote in the 2018 midterm elections, it’s heartening to see teens organizing to influence people who will be voting in November. We can only hope this activism will lead to real, meaningful change. How else can we protect other kids from experiencing what Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students are going through?

We need action. Now.