This hilariously named hand cream will keep your skin soft while supporting human rights campaigns

We’d be hard-pressed to find a person who didn’t use hand cream on a near-daily basis — especially once you cross the threshold into your thirties and all the moisture seems to leave your body. (Just us?) So if you’re going to be using hand cream anyways, why not use a brand (like Nasty Hands) that supports your favorite causes, like human rights!

Nasty Hands cream keeps your skin smooth and supple for any and all activities you might partake in — from letter writing to raising your fists at a rally. And the absolute best part is that 100% of the net proceeds will go to the ACLU, NARAL Pro-Choice America, and the Hetrick-Martin Institute.

Starting today, you can pick up the Nasty Hands cream for $15.


We’re already obsessed with that amazing packaging. You’re getting a great product AND helping some of the most important organizations we have in our current political climate.

NARAL Pro-Choice America fights for access to abortion care, birth control, paid parental leave, and protections from pregnancy discrimination. The Hetrick-Martin Institute helps LGBTQ youth reach their fullest potential with innovative programs that create a safe environment for those who need it most. The ACLU has been hard at work for almost 100 years protecting our nation’s civil liberties, working in courts, legislatures, and communities to preserve the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution guarantees to everyone.


Nasty Hands was founded by a group of entrepreneurial women of varying backgrounds with a mutual desire to support the organizations that are fighting back in our current political atmosphere.


They hope to inspire others to raise their hands high and stand up for their rights, and those of others — we like the sound of that.

Fighting the patriarchy is hard work, and our tired hands need relief. You can feel good about doing your part to support the resistance while also participating in some much-needed self-care when you slather this delectable lotion on your paws. Head on over to Nasty Hands and pick some up for yourself.