Naomi Watts teaches us Australian slang

When it comes to slang from other countries, we’re a little bit rusty. Thankfully, Naomi Watts taught us some Australian slang in a recent video for Vanity Fair. And even better, she throws in some British slang as well. In her eyes, the two often get a little confused — just like people often confuse her own heritage. (For the record, she was born in England, but has starred in a few Australian films.)
Some of them make sense — we had an idea that in Australia, “brekkie” was short for breakfast, and “buggered” was short for exhausted, but there are still a few that are absolutely puzzling.
For example, “ta” means thanks? Huh. We figured it meant “goodbye.”
Of course, we love the fact that Watts seems to be having an incredible time in the video. She’s definitely got a sense of humor — but we disagree with her characterizing herself as an “old bird.”
Other cool Australian slang words include “naff,” “s’arvo,” and “chocci biccy.” We wish there were more reasons to use “chocci biccy,” but alas — we don’t eat chocolate biscuits every day.
We can use “choof off” on the regular, though.
As for the British slang, we can’t get enough of Watts trying, with such elegance, to describe what a “wanker” is. But that’s part of the reason we love her — she’s honest, yet gets right to the point in such a sweet way.
We want to thank Vanity Fair and Naomi Watts for adding to our vocabulary!