So, the lead singer of My Chemical Romance wrote graphic novels that are being turned into a Netflix series

Today in “I bet you didn’t know this about your middle-school emo celebrity crush,” My Chemical Romance frontman Gerard Way published a series of graphic novels called The Umbrella Academy. And in even better news, they’re being made into a live-action Netflix series, so things are about to get real dramatic.

Like, really, really dramatic.


The Umbrella Academy is a graphic novel series created and written by Way, illustrated by Gabriel Bá, and currently published by Dark Horse Comics.

Here are a few tidbits about the forthcoming adaptation, which has a 10-episode order, to get you excited:

The Umbrella Academy centers on the titular dysfunctional family of superheroes: The Monocle, Spaceboy, The Kraken, The Rumor, The Séance, Number Five, The Horror, and The White Violin. They team up to solve their father’s mysterious death, but struggle with their varied personalities and talents.

This sounds dark and mysterious, so basically just like a My Chemical Romance music video. Now, check out this spooky art to give you an idea of what vibe you can expect:

And, here’s what Way had to say about the show:

"I am thrilled that The Umbrella Academy has found a home at Netflix. I couldn’t think of a better place for the vision Gabriel Bá and myself had when creating the comic and cannot wait for people to experience that world as a live-action show."

Honestly, this sounds amazing. We’ll get the series sometime in 2018, but no other news besides that. But hey, you’ve got a bunch of comics to catch up on in the meantime! While listening to My Chemical Romance, obvi.

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