After all these years, Ms. Jackson from the Outkast song finally reveals how she feels about the song
This story is going to have two things in it: One is going to make you smile, and one is going to make you cry. Ms. Jackson finally responded to Outkast’s song about her. But let’s start with the bad news. In writing this, we realized that “Ms. Jackson” came out in 2000. That’s sixteen years ago. Nearly seventeen. HOW OLD DO YOU FEEL? BECAUSE WE FEEL OLD. Now that the bad news is out of the way, turns out Ms. Jackson wasn’t upset about the song at all, as many people who have art about them publicly shared are.
In an interview with Rap Radar from last week, Erykah Badu (aka, the daughter of Ms. Jackson, mother of Andre 3000’s son, and subject of the song) finally told us what we never knew we needed to know until we knew it.
"How did my mama feel? Baby, she bought herself a 'Ms. Jackson' license plate. She had the mug, she had the ink pen, she had the headband, everything. That's who loved it."
Erykah herself didn’t feel QUITE as positive about the song, but we definitely appreciate her mature perspective toward something that could’ve been difficult to listen to, especially as the song became popular.
"It hit kind of a sore spot. I didn't wanna hear that, especially when I heard Big Boi's verse. When I heard Andre's verse, I felt very good because his verse was really, really inspiring. He just said how he felt, and it was his honest feelings. And I always respected that and listened to what he felt and appreciated it."
Check out the music video below!
Ahhhh, 2000, we miss you so.