The Top 6 most-pinned pop culture costumes are SO relevant
Let’s face it: We live in a culture of NOW. We want our internet service speedy, our Postmates delivery swift, and our pop culture updates immediately, whether we get them from Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat. Relevance is ~everything~ and that definitely applies to Halloween costumes, too. It makes sense – people use the night to dress up as characters they love, or love to hate; and with great television series, an insane election season, and social media trends, there are a LOT of characters to choose from.
According to Pinterest, pop culture costume searches are up 75% this year. To prove it, here are the Top 6 most-pinned ideas on the Internet at the moment:
1. Donald Trump
This pin is up 179%. Seeing as Trump has been one of the most mammoth topics of conversation over the last year, the popularity of this costume (and recognizability of an orange spray tan, combover, and frown) will probably be a big hit at any Halloween festivity you attend.
2. Hillary Clinton
This pin is up more than 500%. Based on the way the #NastyWoman merchandise practically broke the internet, it’s safe to say that a Hillary Clinton costume is a mega pop-culture costume zenith this year. Why not organize a pantsuit flashmob while you’re at it?
3. David Bowie
You are still so missed, Bowie. It seems as though everyone was deeply affected by the tragic loss of one of the true greats of musical history, and it makes perfect sense that folks want to honor the iconic Starman this Halloween.
4. Snapchat Filter Costumes
This pin is up nearly 1500%!! Seeing as Snapchat has absolutely taken off this past year and is definitely on every single smartphone to exist on planet earth, we aren’t shocked in the least at all of the super cool filter-makeup tutorials this year.
5. Luke from Gilmore Girls
This is both a throwback and of-the-moment! Can’t wait to be reunited with beloved Luke again on November 25th? Just dress up as him then. Be sure to make at least 6 rants throughout the night, though.
6. Pop Culture/Pun Mash-Up, Jon Snow White
We don’t have any words for this other than THANK YOU to whoever initially breathed this costume to life.
Now go forth and be relevant AF.