Here’s how to magically get the most out of your Scorpio season
While some of us may generically call it “autumn,” those born under the sign of the Scorpion recognize the span between October 23rd and November 21st as the season of the Scorpio. With the Sun now in their first house, Scorpios have the chance to start fresh and focus on what makes them truly happy.
According to Issue 27 of the Witches’ Almanac, Scorpios are intense and determined sorts who will “always emphasize what is truly meaningful.” They do not put up with shallowness, and love keeping a good, juicy secret. Being co-ruled by Mars and Pluto, it’s important for Scorpios to use Tuesdays to make decisions of any kind. Tuesday-decision makings will bring favorable outcomes.
If you’re a Scorpio, the AstroTwins, Ophira and Tali Edut, give amazing, in-depth insight into your 2016 season, so definitely check out their website to better understand why you are the way you are. Below are a few highlights from their 2016 yearly analysis for Scorpio.
Because of Jupiter residing in Scorpio’s reflective twelfth house of Libra, you may have felt run down between the beginning of September to the beginning of October. And with your inability to stand for illness, this may have hindered your healing and has caused you to still feel down and out.
The Witches’ Almanac suggests that Scorpios take part in healing rituals to feel better faster. “The combination of color, light, and heat can stimulate your recovery,” the book states. Commonly, blue and green candles are used in ritual to stimulate healing. A simple healing ritual Scorpios can follow is a Romany Gypsy ritual found in Gillian Kemp’s The Good Spell Book:
Inscribe the ill person’s name with a pin on a blue candle (from candle base to tip). Pierce the candle with the pin and leave it there. Burn the candle until it extinguishes itself. Simple, yet conducive to quick healing. This ritual is best performed on a Sunday, the healing day.
The Sun is now in your first house of fresh starts, the AstroTwins explain. This means you can now bring your personal dreams and desires back to the forefront of your mind. You’ve done your hemming and hawing about life decisions, and now it’s time to delve into projects you truly care about.
The AstroTwins advise Scorpios not to overcommit, though. Jupiter will remain in your twelfth house for another year, which may cause internal conflict, so keep a steady pace and leave room for creativity and healing.
On October 30th, you should pay extra close attention to your personal goals with the new moon residing in Scorpio. This is the day to set intentions that will bring that long sought-after dream to life. That Sunday may be the perfect time for Scorpios to partake in a prosperity ritual.
Think about using green or gold candles to represent wealth and prosperity. Or whip up a “Lady Luck Oil,” (4 drops sandalwood oil, 7 drops rose oil, 5 drops lavender oil) as Romany women did to ensure luck. Wear it like a perfume or anoint your candles and money with it for ritual.
This is your time to make some serious moves, Scorpio. You may not see immediate results during your season, but you’ll be reaping the benefits of your current decisions well into 2017.