This morning show host’s response to her body shamers is exactly what we need to hear during “bikini season”
When Telemundo channel host Adamari López went on vacation last month, she did what many of us do — posted a beach photo on Instagram. Although it garnered over 100,000 likes and many positive comments, several people took the opportunity to shame Lopez for her weight. The morning show’s response to body shamers is exactly what we need to hear during the so-called “bikini season.”
"I think that when people criticize, they criticize themselves more," López told Today. “I do not take it personal. Most likely, those individuals that criticize so brutally have a void in their lives, which reflects in trying to destroy or denigrate others, when in fact it is a reflection of what they have in their heart."
She added that what the body shamers don’t seem to understand is that she’s happy with her life and what’s she’s achieved “as a woman, a professional, and now a mother.” AMEN.
López, co-host of the Emmy Award-winning Telemundo show Un Nuevo Día, says that after her battle with cancer, she’s focused on what’s important in life and (spoiler alert!) it’s not weight or body size.
"After facing cancer, I have gone through several physical changes," she told Today. “My body has changed. I went from being thin (size 0-2) to size 6, and my weight has been up and down ever since. During my pregnancy, I gained more weight and I haven’t committed myself to losing it yet. I’m aware that I would like to lose weight for my health, but not to satisfy the people who think I should lose weight. I will not stop showing who I am, and I will continue to live happily every stage of my life."
Her words are on point — López, and the rest of us, are so much more than our body size or weight. And with dreaded “bikini season” on the horizon (can we please get rid of that term sooner rather than later?), this is a much-needed reminder to never let body shamers get us down.