Prepare to see double: BOTH Morgans are returning for the “Girl Meets World” season finale

If you’ve been watching the delightful Girl Meets World to catch up with your Boy Meets World friends from childhood, you’re in for a (kinda trippy) treat
According to the writers of the show, final episode of Girl Meets World will have a massive reunion of all the former cast.
Feeny. Turner. Shawn. Eric. Alan. Amy. Minkus. Harley. Both Morgans. All stop by and help us make a decision.
— Girl Meets Writers (@GMWWriters) July 27, 2016
Did you catch that one little distinction? It doesn’t just say “Morgan.” It says “Both Morgans.”
ICYMI: Morgan Matthews was actually played by two different girls. Season 1 and 2 featured Lily Nicksay as the Matthews’ only daughter. But after season 3, she was ~~aged up~~ and played by Lindsay Ridgeway.
As part of a massive reunion on the reboot…it seems like the writers want as many family members as possible…which clearly includes anyone who has ever been a part of the Matthews family.
So, if you think about it, both Morgans have to exist in the same time and space universe which isn’t even possible but then again anything is possible, right?
Yeah. Nevermind.
The point is, it’s really awesome of the current show to be so inclusive to everyone who has ever been involved in Boy Meets World.
Of course, the bittersweet news is this may be the last time we see all these characters together again (the old and the new and the doppelgängers) since the show has yet to be renewed. Though some of the stars are (understandably) trying to make that change.
No matter what happens, though, the season 3 finale will most definitely be “can’t miss” TV.