This mom bought a NSFW pillow set, and the internet cannot handle it
Getting quality beauty rest is an absolute must, but for this mom who bought a NSFW pillow set, we imagine it’s a little difficult to get some shuteye when the design is so…distracting. According to Cosmo, the mother of reddit user Waffle_Twat (we can’t even) supposedly purchased these pillows decorated with penises, and just like those lovely mermaid pillows, they’ve become the topic of much internet chatter.
But hey, what are you gonna do? Sleeping on penis-adorned pillows brings an entirely new meaning to interior decoration porn, and the fact that they even exist absolutely must be discussed. When your mom randomly strolls into the house with these testicle-laden throw pillows in tow, there’s no way you can ignore it and pretend like everything is totally normal, because it’s just not.
At first glance, they appear to be nice and flowery and, ya know, an average mom pillow. Until your eyes adjust and you see that there’s SO much more to these fluffy sleep enhancers than initially meets the eye.
In case these penis-print throw pillows happen to go perfectly with your personal decorative tastes, one commenter pointed out that a similar design is also also available for $23.99 over at Look Human.
Before now, we had no idea that genitalia-inspired home décor items were a thing (srsly, where have we been?!), but we’re not mad at whoever created them, tbqh. Actually, they would make the perfect mates for those NSFW penis leggings we’ve been eyeing.