LOL: This mom’s viral photo shows how parents REALLY feel about back to school

August isn’t too different from the rest of the year when you’re an adult…unless you’re a parent. August means summer vacation is coming to a close to anyone still in school, while adults without kids think of it as the month of back-to-school commercials and office supply sales. As for adults with kids…one mom’s viral photo shows exactly what this time of the year feels like for parents.

Keshia Leeann Gardner is giving us life with her viral Facebook post. In it, you can see her jumping in the air at the prospect of sending her five kids back to school and getting them out of the house. Truthfully,  if we had five kids, we would be just as happy. Keshia is clearly a supermom who knows how to poke fun at herself.

Our favorite part of this entire post is the fact that her kids seem half embarrassed by what’s going on, half enjoying their mother prancing about. The young man covering his face is clearly doing so because the amazingness his mother is projecting is just too much for his eyes. That could be the only explanation.


Just to add to how amazingly funny Keshia Leeann Gardner is, she only tagged one person in those photos. That same embarrassed son — Cole. Well, Cole, it looks like you won the mom lottery. You better enjoy it because the internet and all of us love her.

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