These Miyazaki-inspired tattoos are pure art and we’re in love

Who among us did not flip their ish when they saw Spirited Away? Or Howl’s Moving Castle? Princess Mononoke? My Neighbor Totoro? Freaking Kiki’s Delivery Service? So when it comes to tats, it’s no wonder that animator Hayao Miyazaki and his Studio Ghibli are responsible for some of the most out-of-this-world ink we’ve seen around. Feast your eyes on the glory and majesty below.
Aaaaahhhhhh, Mononoke half-sleeve!
Not one, but TWO Totoro tattoos. Two magical creatures went into a tattoo parlor and got Toto bro tats — we’re dead.
Oooh, here’s an arty No-Face tat.
Have you been staying up late at night wondering if you need Jiji the talking cat from Kiki’s Delivery Service on your body? Spoiler alert, you probably do.
Were the susuwatari your favorite part of Spirited Away and My Neighbor Totoro? They’re also really cute on your bicep.
Also, behind your ear.
Totoro brought us the magic that is Catbus, it is only right that we commemorate this magic with a tat.
Howl, Sophie, AND Calcifer — you win!
You have Kiki flying all over your arm? Winner, winner, chicken dinner!