Misogyny Isn’t On the Menu, Mr. Mayor, Says California Hooters

Ah, Hooters. A casual establishment for the modern man in the mood for boobs, pantyhose and calf-high white tube socks. Pretty girls, finger-lickin’ wings and abrasive orange decor. But just because the notoriously sexy servers of the international chain sling meat for a living, doesn’t mean they want to be treated as such.

Most people go to Hooters for two things: cheap chicken wings and gratis cleavage. But San Diego mayor Bob Filner thought he deserved to order off the menu with some hefty sides of “hot sauce” misogyny. Well, Hooters don’t serve your kind no more, Filner. Not since yesterday, when the mayor was banned from every Hooters in the city via signs posted in the windows that read:

Melissa Fry, director of marketing for HootWinc, the west coast Hooters franchise, says that the service refusal has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with Filner’s sexual misconduct.

People need to mind their manners and realize that tight tank tops do not invite disrespect and blatant objectification. You know, the women who work at Hooters choose to do so and undoubtedly understand that their uniform is going to attract attention, I get that. But they’re out there earning a living and trying to get by, just like the rest of us. Patrons should know to look, don’t touch (there are, of course, places one can go for touching, but don’t assume the wings will be any good). And definitely don’t verbally harass or be a slimy perv. It’s not cute. Neither are sticky fingers — so use your wet wipes, tip your waitress and have a super day.

Featured image via Hooters