A dad took his son to see ‘Minions’ dressed as a Minion. Best. Dad. Ever.

The world’s greatest dad has been found! Minions came out in theaters this past weekend, and one sweet little boy didn’t just get to see the movie, he got to see it dressed as a Minion with his dad, who was also dressed as a Minion — a fully grown one.

A photo of the father/son duo riding the train while on their way to see Minions was posted to Reddit by user Boba_F37T. The photo was captioned, “Father of the year award goes to this gentleman who was taking a very excited boy to the movies.” No other information about the adorable situation was given, but it looks like the dad was just as serious about Minions as his son — maybe even a little more.

Here’s the cuteness:

See? Ridiculously adorable, right?

When a dad and his young son dress alike, it’s usually pretty awesome — but when they dress alike wearing overalls, yellow t-shirts and Minion glasses. . . forget about it. We are so happy Minions exist so this exact situation on the subway could happen, be documented by a complete stranger, and then shared with the rest of us complete strangers. The best part of all of this is that the dad was just doing what he does best — being a great dad. He didn’t expect anyone to notice or care — but we noticed, and we really, really care.

Featured image via Imgur