There was a mini “Office” reunion and now we’ve got lots of feelings

Though not all members of both clubs were in attendance, there was a little mini-meeting of both The Party Planning Committee and The Finer Things Club. Both have, sadly, disbanded,  over these last few years, but that doesn’t mean everyone can’t still get together for a little bit of fun, and to reminisce about old times.

Jenna Fischer, Angela Kinsey, and Oscar Nunez hung out last night, and probably did not talk about paper whatsoever. The former Office stars are clearly still good friends (and actually, Fischer and Kinsey are best friends), and that means from time to time, they’ve got to catch up. Fisher posted the picture of the trio hanging out, and suddenly we’ve got an overload of Office feels.

It looks like no time has passed since their days in Scranton. Do you suddenly feel the need to binge watch a few seasons of The Office? Yeah, us too.

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