Mindy smashes the patriarchy using girl power on “The Mindy Project”

Mindy makes a lot of bumbling mistakes on The Mindy Project, but it’s also what makes it so much fun to watch her. If you look at her now compared to who she was when the show first started, her hard-learned lessons have made her a successful, confident, kick-ass woman. We have seen solid growth from her. So even though this episode, entitled “Mindy Lahiri Is A Misogynist” starts off rocky, we should always trust Mindy to get us where we need to go.
Misogynist Mindy
Mindy is given the “misogynist” label after Jeremy decides to take his cardiac episode as a sign that he needs to seriously slow down and hire another doctor to take some work off his plate. Jeremy and Jody gather a group of female candidates that are all impressive and overly qualified. Mindy gets a “bad vibe” from every single one of them, and wants to hire a man instead.
As some sort of backwards form of revenge, she brings in a female doctor who was fired from her last job for slapping someone, hoping that Jody and Jeremy will see how terrible she is and will agree to hire a man instead. I know. It was confusing to me too. They both love Dr. Anna Ziev, and hire her on the spot, much to Mindy’s chagrin.
Unnecessary drama
Mindy and Anna trade some petty verbal blows after Anna gets one of Mindy’s patients (because Mindy was over an hour late to work), and Mindy tries to fire Anna without getting the okay from the other docs.
After an unexpected and super adorable chat session with a young girl in the hospital lobby (who is later revealed as nurse Ben’s daughter, Lindsay), Mindy realizes that feeling competitive in the presence of another woman, and then attempting to sabotage her, is utterly ridiculous and a waste of everyone’s time. She even pointed out how society creates an environment wherein men only feel comfortable handling one woman at a time, and they perpetuate the stereotype that women need to compete with each other in order to win approval from men. And that any time two women don’t get along – for whatever reason – it will end in some sexist “cat fight” where the men can stand by and cheer.
Feminism always wins
So maybe it took a long and winding road to get us to the overall message, but whatever. I appreciate it all the same. Mindy and Anna make peace for now, and Mindy proudly rocks her woman card in the name of feminism. AND she was reminded how important girl power is from a young girl, which is such a relatable experience because honestly, it’s the enlightened children who will save us all.