Milo Ventimiglia explains why he likes to keep his private life private, and tbh, it makes us love him even more

We can never really get quite enough of Milo Ventimiglia. He made us feel so, so many feelings on Gilmore Girls (sorry Dean, sorry Logan…) and has been breaking our hearts all over again as Jack on This Is Us. But if Ventimiglia has his way, we’re only going to get him in very small doses — and his reasoning actually makes a lot of sense.
During an interview with People, Ventimiglia explained that he keeps his personal life private so that he doesn’t distract viewers from his on-screen performance.
“I feel like there’s a currency to your personal life and your performance — your acting, your work, he explained. “If that personal life starts to outweigh what the work is, then your work suffers. Your actual performance suffers because the audience won’t see the character, they’ll see you. And then you’re just playing yourself, but you’re playing a version of yourself that’s not yourself.
Plus, he doesn’t really think that anything he’s doing in his personal life is all that interesting.
“Listen, I go to the store, I go get my car fixed, I have friends, I have a life, but nobody needs to know about it," he said. "Because I’m just the same as anyone else.
What we DO know about Ventimiglia is the really important stuff. Like, that takes his work very seriously, and even told the New York Post that he would turn up on the set of This Is Us when he didn’t have to.
“I try to show up even on the days I’m not working,” he explained. “I do a lot of photography behind the scenes. I shoot everything on film [that takes place] in the past and everything on digital [that takes place] in the present. I try to be around, be that Papa Pearson.”
Oh yeah, and Mandy Moore also told the Post that he’s an incredible co-worker.
“He really feels like the true patriarch of our little set family, she said. “He knew every crew member’s name by the end of the first week of work and makes sure to say good morning and shake hands every time he walks on set.
Annnnd our crush lives on forever.