Millie Bobby Brown is deaf in one ear, but she doesn’t let that stop her from singing

We are always impressed with Millie Bobby Brown. She acts, she dances, she sings. And, apparently, she does it all while deaf in one ear. Yep, while talking with Variety, Millie Bobby Brown revealed that she’s actually deaf in one ear — but she doesn’t let that stop her from performing.

And the performing she does is amazing. Of course, we’ve spent the last week busy binge-watching Season 2 of Stranger Things. The fact that Eleven barely speaks, yet has such a powerful presence on the show, is enough proof of how great an actress Brown is, and we’re floored every time. So the news about her being deaf in one ear makes her onscreen performance even more impressive.

It turns out that Brown was born with partial loss of hearing in one ear. Over the years, she’s lost her hearing in it entirely. In other words, she cannot completely hear herself perform. Who knew? She could have fooled us. Plus, talk about a good test in self-confidence to give it all she’s got regardless. Obviously, it works.

ICYMI, aside from acting, Millie is also an incredibly talented singer. Want proof? Check her out rapping to Nicki Minaj’s verse on “Monster” on YouTube.

“I just started to sing, and if I sound bad I don’t care, because I’m just doing what I love, she told Variety. “You don’t have to be good at singing. You don’t have to be good at dancing or acting. If you like to do it, if you genuinely enjoy doing it, then do it. No one should stop you.

Uh, is Millie Bobby Brown everyone’s hero, or what?

Want to see her in action? The 13-year-old recently posted a throwback video of her singing six years ago, and it is ~the cutest~.

All in all, Brown just goes to show that we have to pursue our dreams, no matter what. For instance, as far as acting is concerned, she hasn’t trained in acting — she just does it, and does it well.

“It came to me naturally, she told Variety.

And the same goes for her singing. Now, if only we were that talented. But hey, Millie says to go for it no matter what — so maybe we’ll give it a shot.