If you’re a millennial couple, chances are you flat-out ROCK at this
A lot of people give millennials flack (*cough cough, Baby Boomers!*) but this new study shows that millennial couples are actually much better at a certain relationship skill than other generations.
That’s right! We’re good at something! Turns out, according to the second annual TD Bank Love and Money Study, millennials are better at handling their money and talking about it with their partners.
The study says that 74% of millennial couples talk about their money weekly, and that those who do report higher levels of satisfaction and happiness in their relationships.
This is very important, because as many relationship articles will tell you, money and talking about money is one of the highest stressors in relationships, which makes sense. Whether we like it or not, money affects our everyday lives, from where we live to what we eat. It’s hard to keep the romance alive if you’re feeling stressed out about money and you’re afraid of talking to your partner about something that affects the both of you so closely.
The fact that millennials are good at this feels weirdly like a no-brainer. Though other generations will often disparage millennials for being too sensitive and open about their feelings, it seems like the benefit of this is millennials are more likely to be transparent and not shy away from tough relationship conversations.
The survey included 1,902 adults, and included couples of all ages to see how different age groups talked about their money matters. Most of the couples classified themselves as “married” or “committed.” Millennials were classified as participants who were 18-34 years old.
Among this group, couples were found to be much happier on average than the other demographics, with 49% of the millennial couples saying that they’re “extremely happy” with their “soulmate.” Awww!
Of course, this survey isn’t a blanket statement about any particular generation or couple, and every individual and couple has their own challenges to face, but it is still awesome to see something positive being said about the millennial age group. Because, let’s face it, we’re pretty great.