Milla Jovavich opened up about why she supports LGBT rights, and we’re so here for it

In a recent interview with The Advocate, Milla Jovavich, best known from Resident Evil, opened up about the important and impactful role that LGBTQ+ people played in her life growing up. She explained that she’s never understood why anyone would treat someone differently for being gay, and that she’s never even though twice about supporting LGBT rights. After all, they’re human rights. We’re *so* about it.

She said,

"I’ve been so inspired by artists who are gay, but I never really thought about it. The first time I saw two boys kiss at a club, it just felt normal to me. Gay people have a sensibility nurtured by the fact that they’re rebels against what was once considered the norm, and I feel you’re always more inspired when you’ve been persecuted or when you’ve had to deal with difficulties in life."

She continued,

"We’re talking about my friends, my colleagues, my mentors, people I’ve known for years, and people I work with every day. So I’ve never thought twice about supporting LGBT rights. I’ve always been attracted to gay people wherever I go, and we’ve had a lot of fun together over the years."

We definitely want to live in a world that is more inclusive, supportive, and loving of the LGBTQ+ community. As Milla Jovavich explained, queer people are just people, and it’s definitely time to get beyond deciding whether or not this is true and focusing on how we can uplift and seek justice for this marginalized group.