Miley Cyrus used fashion to basically turn herself into a springtime garden
If you have any doubts that Miley Cyrus is, in fact, a “happy hippie” — we actually don’t know how you could but — her latest outfit will convince you otherwise. On last night’s live episode of The Voice, Cyrus turned herself into an actual springtime garden by wearing faux flowers and floral printed purple spandex. Last night’s show was especially exciting (aside from Miley’s fashion) because it marked the reveal of the semi-finalists who will continue to next week’s finale.
Unfortunately, the last remaining members of Miley’s team — Aaron Gibson and Ali Caldwell — were sent home last night. But even though it was a tough episode for Miley, she still looked like a bucket of sunshine and rainbows, and we’re not mad about it.
This outfit is quite a contrast to her live performance show ensemble. The singer and Voice judge literally wrapped herself in Christmas tinsel and looked like she was ready to ring in the holiday season with a bang.
But knowing our Miley, she’s not one to stick to one style — or season, for that matter. So back to spring it is! And although she’ll never repeat an outfit, we’re digging the fact that Cyrus brought back an aspect from one of her most frequently talked about Voice outfits.
We’re talking about those fake flowers.
Cyrus’ stylist told The Hollywood Reporter back in August that she buys most of Cyrus’ pieces from vintage shops around Los Angeles. “Her wardrobe is a mix of vintage, custom pieces from designers we work with, as well as the pieces I make for her,”stylist, Simone Harouche, told the Reporter.
We wouldn’t be surprised if this latest piece is a collaboration between all of the above!
Her outfits may boggle us, but more often they entertain us and make us happy. Keep doing you, Miley! Spread that happy hippie love wherever you can!