Miles Teller’s 30th birthday party was basically your wedding Pinterest board

When we mention black leather, gold decor and a sit down dinner complete with flower-garnished cocktails, chances are you don’t think “hmm, sounds like it’s the kid from Whiplash‘s birthday.” Neither did we, which is why we are impressed and envious that Miles Teller’s 30th birthday party was actually really chic and totally classy. There have been reports of enough celeb birthday bashes gone both wrong and right to have us guessing about who will keep things classy and who will wake up outside a Target in a shopping cart with no pants on, and we honestly thought Miles’ bash would err toward beer pong and togas rather than the fresh, sophisticated event you’ll witness below.

Happy to be proven wrong! Dare we say we wish we were invited?

Miles Teller’s 3oth was more of a flirty thirty than a dirty one and we’re taking notes.


Cocktails came with a small bouquet of colorful pansies.


The set up was so fresh, we are guessing this room smelled amazing. It’s like a moody, indoor patio greenhouse.


No such thing as too much greenery. Imagine dressing your table with fresh herbs like this and letting guests garnish their own plates? The inspiration is endless. Plus, those little menu pockets in the napkins are the cutest.


Okay, so maybe you did expect a swankfest for Mr. Teller’s b-day. But did you expect rose gilded swans?


Even the lounge area was super chic:


We don’t know of any performer who wouldn’t at least take the chance to address the crowd, especially on his day:


Happy Birthday, Miles Teller!


Even that cake is too sophisticated for words! Look at that black piping detail and gold metallic frosting! The event was sponsored by Absolut Elyx, and held at the private residence of Jonas Tahlin, Absolut’s CEO. This is his house, people. If this is what a small birthday get together can look like, maybe we need to step up our game. Until then, those flowering cocktails are going to haunt our party-hosting dreams.

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