Mila Kunis just got way honest about her second pregnancy with Ashton Kutcher

Mila Kunis has been on the media circuit promoting her new movie Bad Moms, and she just so happens to be pregnant with her second child with husband Ashton Kutcher — making her basically a pro at discussing all things mom-related.
A pro because being pregnant is no joke. Being pregnant TWICE automatically makes you a master.
Kunis stopped by Live With Kelly! today, and she got super honest about how her second pregnancy is affecting her EVERYTHING.
After Kelly pointed out that she barely looks pregnant, Mila laughed and said, “I do have a human inside … It’s a big, puffy dress, let me tell you. My boobs kind of take everything forward a little bit…I’m like you, by the way, so it’s like, ‘Oh, look at this! This is what it feels like [to have big boobs].’”
She explained how her second pregnancy is “completely” different than the first.
“With the first one, I was on the app every day, like, ‘What food size is my baby?’ It was like, ‘It’s the size of a grape. It’s the size of an avocado,’” she said. “The other day, someone asked how far along I was. I was like, ‘I have no idea. I can tell you when I’m due, and then do the math afterward.’ For the first one, I could tell you precisely what she was developing, what stage it was. The second one, I’m running after a toddler, or working, so I’m like, ‘Oh, that’s right: I’m pregnant.’”
The actress also revealed that her 2-year-old daughter Wyatt doesn’t quite get that a baby is on the way.
Because growing a human inside a belly is confusing.
“We were trying to teach Wyatt, like, ‘You’re going to be a big sister,’ but she’s too little to comprehend that only mommy’s got the baby,” Kunis said. “So, this is where the problem happens. You go, ‘Where’s the baby?’ She’ll point to her belly, to your belly, to your belly. Everybody’s got a baby in their belly!”
And Kutcher, being the hilarious prankster man he is, got in on the fun.
“Ashton’s like, ‘Oh, that’s funny.’ He taught her to be like, ‘What’s inside daddy’s belly?’ And she goes, ‘Beer,’” Mila said. “Everyone else has a baby, and then what’s inside papa’s belly? Beer!”
Here’s the full interview: