This is why you’ll never see social media pics of Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher’s kids
If you’re a person with some social media accounts, you probably post things online about your life. You share photos of your partners, your family, your kids…it’s become very natural to share your life online. Celebrities do it too, and a lot of them make money from having social media presences. However, not everyone in Hollywood is down with living such a transparent life. Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis have sworn off social media for the sake of their family. Kutcher is on Instagram, but he rarely updates his account and never shares photos of his wife or kids, and Kunis doesn’t even have an Instagram.
This photo of Kunis, Kutcher, and their kids’ names on the side of Coke bottles is the only family photo we’re ever going to get from this little fam, and here’s why.
"We have a private social network that we share stuff with the families so the grandparents can see the kids and stuff. But we don’t share any photos of our kids publicly because we feel that being public is a personal choice," Kutcher told Arianna Huffington in an interview for Thrive Global Podcast with iHeartRadio.
“My wife and I have chosen a career where we’re in the public light, but my kids have not,” he added. “I think they should have the right to choose that and I actually don’t think that they should have images of them as children that are out there, that somebody could potentially blackmail them with. It’s their private life; it’s not mine to give away.”
Kutcher thinks that because we all live such public lives now because of social media, he says “‘I believe in the future, privacy will be the new celebrity.”
So celebrities will choose privacy? Or being private will make you famous? Stand by while we try to unpack that last statement. Regardless, more power to the Kutcher-Kunis family on juggling their private, professional, and public selves.