Hate the middle seat on airplanes? This new invention could change that forever

For the most part, everyone can pinpoint exactly what the major inconveniences are when flying on an airplane. Not enough overhead space. On longer flights, the food sometimes sucks. People get pushy while boarding the plane. But all things considered, the dreaded middle seat causes the most negative vibes. You squeeze yourself between two people and you feel like a burden every time you need to get up.

In the long run, you can’t solve all of these problems. Unfortunately, some passengers even take off their pants without a second thought. And ordinarily, you cannot avoid annoying seatmates. And don’t even get us started on the food. But a Colorado-based company called Molon Labe Seating might have just solved the dreaded middle seat issue with the “Side-Slip.”


In essence, the company designed seating that will slide over at a push of a button.  The seat mechanism makes room for people boarding the plane and makes the dreaded middle seat three inches wider. In short, you will still bother people when you get up to use the bathroom, but your seat will not feel like a human body trap.

 And for all of you fellow neurotic fliers out there, these new seats passed the 16G force, 14G force, and HIC (Head Impact Criteria) tests. Meaning they are up to code and safe to use. Equally important is the fact that the middle seat is slightly lower down, making it less easy to shoulder bump with fellow seat-mates.

Given these points, the “Side-Slip” is a perfect addition to any airline. Of course, those same airlines are hesitant to change their seating design. For some reason, flying through the skies in a metal tube doesn’t leave a lot of room for experimentation. Hopefully, enough customers will want this amazing product on their next flight, so that we can all enjoy more room and fewer inconveniences while traveling.