Here are the most on-point tweets about Michelle Williams getting paid less than Mark Wahlberg

After Kevin Spacey was accused of sexual assault in November 2017, the All the Money in the World team decided torecast his role — after filming was complete. This meant that the entire  cast, sans Spacey, returned for a 10-day reshoot, and everyone supposedly took major pay cuts to get the film back on its feet. Oscar-nominated actress Michelle Williams was paid around $80 per day…while her costar Mark Wahlberg was reportedly paid around $2 million in total for the 10-days of work.

The massive pay disparity between Williams and Wahlberg was first reported by The Washington Post in November. The Post spoke with an anonymous insider who confirmed Wahlberg’s exorbitant salary request.

A December USA Today article stated that, according to director Ridley Scott, all actors came back to reshoot scenes for free. But Wahlberg has refused to comment on the story, leading many to believe that reports of a major pay gap are true.

Thanks to the 2018 Golden Globes’ massive display of female empowerment, the major disparity has been brought back into the spotlight. Using the slogan that many had pinned on their lapels during the Globes, celebrities and fans alike are tweeting “Time’s Up” for men who receive more than their female coworkers for the same job.


Yes, it’s commendable that Scott replaced Kevin Spacey with Christopher Plummer in the film. But if Williams was then knowingly paid millions less than Wahlberg, it would seems like the messages behind #MeToo and Time’s Up are not truly being heard.

The pay disparity in this case will remain unconfirmed until Wahlberg, Scott, or Williams provides comment. Even so, this story highlights the ongoing gender pay gap that affects women across all industries in our culture.