We hate to break it to you, but Michelle Obama really isn’t running for President in 2020 — and here’s why
Michelle Obama is truly one of the most lovely people in the world. She is elegant, stunning, hilarious, and relatable. By integrating herself into the pop culture world, Obama truly became our First Lady. The nation (and the world!) grew to love her during her eight-year stint as FLOTUS. The combination of Obama and her husband, former President Barack Obama, feels almost too good to be true these days. Like a beautiful, long-ago blissful dream.
The next Presidential election is in 2020. (Not that we’re counting down the days or anything.) Naturally, people are already speculating about who will run against our current President Donald Trump. The stakes are super high, to say the least. Whoever runs against Trump will need to be ready. Names like Joe Biden, Oprah Winfrey, and Michelle Obama herself have been thrown around as potential contenders already.
However, Obama will not be running for President in 2020. We’re sorry to break everyone’s hearts, but she has some really good reasons why. In fact, it’s hard to argue her point. She just…doesn’t want to be President. Which we totally get.
On Thursday, April 5th, at the 39th annual Simmons Leadership Conference in Boston, Obama made her point clear.
"The reason why I don’t want to run for president— and I can’t speak for Oprah — but my sense is that, first of all, you have to want the job."
Obama went on to explain that just because someone is smart and driven, doesn’t mean they should necessarily be the President. She clearly supports having more women in the government and in power, but just because she’s a woman, it doesn’t mean she wants to be the one.
"And you just can’t say, 'Well you’re a woman, run.' We just can't find the women we like and ask them to do it, because there are millions of women who are inclined and do have the passion for politics."
Luckily, there are plenty of women who do want to run for government positions.
In fact, more women than ever are running in the 2018 elections. Change is coming to Washington! It may not be Michelle Obama directly, but she’ll certainly be cheering from the sidelines (and the polls).