We are cracking up at Michelle Obama’s spot on impression of her husband

Michelle Obama’s latest appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert was, like everything else the FLOTUS does, pretty epic. Between educating us about her latest projects with her Let Girls Learn initiative and straight-up hanging in a homemade fort, she proved she can awe us by doing literally anything.

And her spot-on impression of her husband, President Obama, had us seriously LOLing.

Colbert asked the First Lady about an absolutely stunning picture in their Essence magazine spread.

The photographer had captured a really beautiful  candid moment between the power couple. Michelle explained that it was likely just her trying to convince her antsy husband to continue taking pictures (something he’s apparently not a big fan of). As she was replaying their interaction, she started talking with some Barack-like mannerisms.

So, of course, Colbert read all of our minds and asked her to do a full on impression. Michelle happily obliged.


She changed her tone and slowed down her cadence a little to make her voice more similar to her famous husband. But it wasn’t the presentation itself that was so hilarious, it was the actual content. The First Lady said that her husband will get asked a simple question by one of their children (she jokingly blames Malia for instigating these talks), and then will begin a long and detailed explanation of some major world issue that will subsequently dominate their dinner conversation.

She said (as Barack), "Well, I'm glad you... I'm glad you asked that. Let me just answer that in three points.

Then she drops the impression and says his points aren’t just one, two, and three. They’re always way more detailed with smaller points below them which causes both Michelle and her younger daughter, Sasha, to roll their eyes with frustration.

Basically, the President sounds like such an adorable Dad and his wife’s playful impression of him makes us love both of them even more.

Check it out for yourself. The whole interview is awesome (though if you want to just fast forward to the impression, it starts around the 5 minute mark).


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