Michelle Obama just spilled the details on her sleepover at Buckingham Palace and we’re so jealous

Ever since the Obamas entered the White House, Michelle Obama became everyone’s favorite first lady. She’s strong, intelligent and well spoken. Everything about her is perfect! Which is why hearing her tell the tale of her stay at the Buckingham Palace is so great. Who else would give us the scoop about that place?!


So what do you get when you mix First Lady Michelle Obama, Stephen Colbert and one amazing story of Buckingham palace? This:


Stephen Colbert wanted to know the most memorable experience that Michelle Obama had while at the White House. This only served to remind us that the Obamas time in office is running down. Soon they will move out of the grand White House and we will have to search the internet for pictures of Michelle Obama’s beautiful arms. But until then, we can enjoy interviews such as this one.


According to Mrs. Obama, they got to stay at Buckingham Palace in 2011 for the state dinner. All guests get to enjoy a night at the spacious palace, along with all the amenities. Apparently, the french fries are a thing of beauty. I guess when you stay the night you get to enjoy the best french fries known to mankind. Here is to hoping that someday we get to experience that ourselves. Michelle Obama also talked about the trip all around the world, speaking with young women from different countries about the importance of education and self esteem. We’ll miss you FLOTUS!

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