Michael Moore has a brand new movie that he’s kept under wraps, and it’s focused on Trump

We always love seeing what Michael Moore uncovers. Best known for pretty intriguing documentaries like Capitalism: A Love Story, Bowling For Columbine, Sicko, and Fahrenheit 9/11, the filmmaker has something brand new up his sleeve that he hopes everyone in America can see before the elections.

It’s a documentary that’s named after Donald Trump. Titled Michael Moore In TrumpLand, Moore is trying to get his work out to voters, to help them realize how important this upcoming election truly is.

Moore, who originally backed up candidate Bernie Sanders, says that the film is "a movie I knew the Hillary Clinton campaign would never endorse," which is pretty intriguing. He also noted that "This is not a movie for cynics."


Just the other day, Moore screened it to an audience last minute, sending an invite out through Twitter. Described loosely as “concert footage” by some, it sounds like the documentarian completed something totally new for his audience. More of a one-man-show than a full-on documentary, it really seems to help people think long and hard about this upcoming election.

"TrumpLand includes more than a few shots of teary-eyed audience members moved by Moore’s mournful, angry shouts on behalf of Americans who have died due to a lack of health insurance," Deadline reports. "Moore approaches his scoffers by giving voice to their views before fully venting his."

While called TrumpLand, the film is also very focused on Hillary, which is probably why Moore doesn’t think her campaign would totally be on board. In one segment, he has his audience shout out the negative claims they’ve heard about the candidate, and Moore goes over them one-on-one.

The 73-minute film will continue to have screenings throughout New York and California.

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