Mercury retrograde is happening this week—here’s what this means for your zodiac sign
It’s the most wonderful time of year again. Just kidding. Mercury officially kicks off its backspin in emotional and sentimental Cancer on June 17th PST/June 18th EST and continues to moonwalk until July 12th.
Look back to June 2nd. The story that you will be dealing with will begin during the pre-shadow degrees and last until July 26th when the post-shadow zone, known as retroshade, ends. You can expect to see abuses of power being exposed on a global level, breakups, shake-ups, breakdowns, and reconciliations (although that may be temporary). You are being forced to think, act, and feel out of your comfort zones, which will be extremely difficult.
Think that’s a lot? Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto will all be retrograde, too, at some point during this transit, which will make everything seem heavier and more frustrating. Please protect your energy and create boundaries to avoid meltdowns. Be kind to yourself and others.
Here’s your Mercury retrograde horoscope. Also, make sure to check your rising sign.
Take a step back and reassess your values. By rethinking your ideology, you’ll be able to make transformative changes in your personal life—some of which will rock your world for the better. Don’t be afraid to evolve with the times. Move forward, not backward, to avoid inner turmoil.
You can be an emotional hoarder at times. But now it’s time to tie up the loose ends in your life. Block people who don’t need to be in your life anymore. Get closure from others if you need to. More importantly, move on if you can’t commit to them.
You’re constantly giving your time, energy, and resources to others. You’re being cosmically tasked during the retrograde to take back some of your power and put it all into yourself. Take 90% of the TLC you give and sprinkle it on your life to heighten your vibe and frequency.
It’s time to take control of projects that have been left on the sidelines and back burner for the past few months. Spend some time repurposing ideas and making them better. This will help you live more efficiently and give you the chance to complete tasks on your to-do list.
You have a few secrets that you absolutely don’t want to come out right now. Keeping your clandestine activities undercover will prove challenging as one of the skeletons in your closet may accidentally come out. However, you can control the collateral damage it causes by admitting fault and moving on.
Your friends are leaning on you too much and not reciprocating. You’re feeling like you are giving too much to them at the moment, so ask them for a little more attention than they are currently giving to you. Be honest with your feelings. Talk it out.
Although you love the good life, it doesn’t mean that you like the limelight. Taking a public stance on a social matter and cause will create buzz around you. But you can and will shine through brightly as long as you courageously stand by your beliefs. Don’t back down.
By not paying attention to minor deets, you are actually creating bigger issues for yourself. Focus on the minutiae of situations and conversations in order to gain clarity on matters. Then, you will be able to make educated and analytical assessments in determining your next actions without things becoming messy.
Your finances are a little out of whack, which means that you may have to ask a friend or family member for a small temporary loan. Before you accept their money, be sure that the terms of the loan are very clear to avoid arguments with them down the road.
Prepare yourself to be zombied by an ex. Unfortunately, they may not have many nice things to say, as they are looking for closure from past arguments and from the demise of your relationship. Proceed with caution if you choose to respond. Keep the conversation light and cute to avoid drama.
Face the facts, Aquarius: You like to have a set schedule. The caveat is that life has other plans for you—meaning you may not be able to stick to your daily regimen. Don’t freak out! Just learn to go with the flow and handle every situation day by day.
Whoever said romance is dead is sooo wrong. The only dilemma you’re facing is that you have too many suitors, and the former amours love graveling for your attention and affection. Lean into your intuitive side for clarity in order to suss out who has legit feelings and who does not.
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